Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bueberry-Maple Sauce

We bought our first blueberries of the season on our outing to the San Francisco Farmer's Market on Saturday. They came from Svenson’s Farm which is a family owned farm that offers their delicious fruits at several Farmer’s Markets around the Bay Area. I buy from them every time I see their stall as the berries are always perfectly ripe. I will use most of the blueberries on Sunday in my favorite blueberry recipe which is simply wonderful for a breakfast or brunch:

Steel Cut Oats Porridge with Blueberry-Maple Sauce

For oats:
1 cup steel cut oats (available in the bulk section of most organic grocery stores)
4 cups water
Dash salt

For sauce:
6 oz package fresh blueberries
¼ cup real maple syrup (the darker the better)

Start the oats the night before by bringing water and dash of salt to boil in a sauce pan. Remove pan from heat and stir in oats. Cover and leave on counter over night at least 4 hours.

For breakfast, cook oats at a slow simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine berries and maple syrup in a small sauce pan and bring to a boil. The berries will pop and form a sauce in 3 or 4 minutes.

To serve:
Scoop a generous portion of the oats into a bowl and top with sauce.
Note: Stacy likes a dab of butter on her oats and I like a bit of cream or milk, or just eat the combination of oats and sauce with no dairy. No matter what, this hearty nutty flavored, early summer treat is sure to bring smiles around the table.

Blueberries have a very short season with individual varieties each only available a few short weeks. Enjoy them while you can get them as they are powerful little disease fighting miracle fruits as well as tasty.

Stacy and John Murphy host an instructional, nutritious, and fun hands-on cooking class one or two Saturdays each month using ingredients that come fresh from the San Francisco Farmer’s Market.

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